Allows user to edit a page with markdown.
yarn add @welcome-ui/markdown-editor
import { MarkdownEditor } from '@welcome-ui/markdown-editor'
About #
We use react-simplemde-editor as a base with the following changes:
- We've added simple styles around it to keep it consistent with our other form fields
- We've made the toolbar icons more flexible (see below)
- The toolbar is sticky for when your Markdown gets really long
- You can insert emojis! 💃
Usage #
Toolbar #
You can send an array of toolbar items with the shape:
{ name: 'bold', icon: <i className="fa fa-bold" />, action={item => { // Do something with item }}, title: 'Bold 🌴' }
For example, in the toolbar below we're using icons from:
- FontAwesome (bold, italic)
- Material Design Iconic Font: (strikethrough, link)
- our own Icons: (code, quote)
- and plain text (emoji)
Note: to use FontAwesome or Material Design icons (or any other 3rd-party icon font), you'll have to include the font stylesheet somewhere in your app.
The default toolbar uses Welcome UI icons with the following items:
[{ name: 'bold', title: 'Bold' },{ name: 'italic', title: 'Italic' },{ name: 'strikethrough', title: 'Strikethrough' },{ name: 'link', title: 'Link' },{ name: 'divider' },{ name: 'heading_1', title: 'Heading 1' },{ name: 'heading_2', title: 'Heading 2' },{ name: 'divider' },{ name: 'unordered_list', title: 'Unordered list' },{ name: 'ordered_list', title: 'Ordered list' },{ name: 'divider' },{ name: 'code', title: 'Code' },{ name: 'quote', title: 'Quote' },{ name: 'divider' },{ name: 'emoji', icon: '🙂', title: 'Emoji' }]
Actions #
You can add some actions on the bottom of the textarea with actions
childrens. We calculate automatically the height of actions.
Properties #
MarkdownEditor #
Name | Type(s) | Default | Required |
actions | ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> | ||
autoFocus | Boolean | ||
disabled | Boolean | ||
minHeight | string | 8rem | |
name | string | ||
onBlur | (value: string) => void | ||
onChange | (event: MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent> | CreateEvent) => void | ||
onFocus | (value: string) => void | ||
placeholder | string | ||
toolbar | DefaultToolbar | [
{ name: bold, title: Bold },
{ name: italic, title: Italic },
{ name: strikethrough, title: Strikethrough },
{ name: link, title: Link },
{ name: divider },
{ name: heading_1, title: Heading 1 },
{ name: heading_2, title: Heading 2 },
{ name: divider },
{ name: unordered_list, title: Unordered list },
{ name: ordered_list, title: Ordered list },
{ name: divider },
{ name: code, title: Code },
{ name: quote, title: Quote },
{ name: divider },
{ name: emoji, icon: 🙂, title: Emoji },
] | |
value | string | ||
size | "xs" "sm" "md" "lg" | ||
variant | "error" "focused" "info" "success" "warning" | ||
transparent | Boolean | ||
isClearable | Boolean | ||
hasIcon | Boolean | ||
iconPlacement | "right" "left" "both" |
Packages #
Dependencies #
Peer dependencies #