
The Dropdown Menu component is a navigational element that reveals a list of options or actions when triggered by a user interaction, such as clicking a button. It provides a compact and efficient way to present multiple choices without cluttering the interface. Dropdown menus enhance usability by organizing related items in a hierarchical structure, making it easier for users to find and select options.



ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> | RenderProp<HTMLAttributes<any> & { ref?: Ref<any>; }>

Allows the component to be rendered as a different HTML element or React component. The value can be a React element or a function that takes in the original component props and gives back a React element with the props merged. Check out the [Composition](https://ariakit.org/guide/composition) guide for more details.


number | undefined = 30

The size of the arrow. Live examples: - [Selection Popover](https://ariakit.org/examples/popover-selection)



Object returned by the [`useMenuStore`](https://ariakit.org/reference/use-menu-store) hook. If not provided, the closest [`Menu`](https://ariakit.org/reference/menu) or [`MenuProvider`](https://ariakit.org/reference/menu-provider) components' context will be used.






Indicates whether the element should be focusable even when it is [`disabled`](https://ariakit.org/reference/focusable#disabled). This is important when discoverability is a concern. For example: > A toolbar in an editor contains a set of special smart paste functions that are disabled when the clipboard is empty or when the function is not applicable to the current content of the clipboard. It could be helpful to keep the disabled buttons focusable if the ability to discover their functionality is primarily via their presence on the toolbar. Learn more on [Focusability of disabled controls](https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/practices/keyboard-interface/#focusabilityofdisabledcontrols). Live examples: - [Combobox with tabs](https://ariakit.org/examples/combobox-tabs)


Boolean | undefined = false

Automatically focuses the element upon mounting, similar to the native `autoFocus` prop. This addresses an issue where the element with the native `autoFocus` attribute might receive focus before React effects are executed. The `autoFocus` prop can also be used with [Focusable](https://ariakit.org/components/focusable) elements within a [Dialog](https://ariakit.org/components/dialog) component, establishing the initial focus as the dialog opens. **Note**: For this prop to work, the [`focusable`](https://ariakit.org/reference/command#focusable) prop must be set to `true`, if it's not set by default. Live examples: - [Warning on Dialog hide](https://ariakit.org/examples/dialog-hide-warning) - [Dialog with React Router](https://ariakit.org/examples/dialog-react-router) - [Nested Dialog](https://ariakit.org/examples/dialog-nested)


false | true | (arg: MouseEvent<HTMLElement, MouseEvent>) => boolean

Determines if the composite item should lose focus when the mouse leaves. By default, this is set to `true` if [`focusOnHover`](https://ariakit.org/reference/composite-hover#focusonhover) is `true`. Live examples: - [Navigation Menubar](https://ariakit.org/examples/menubar-navigation) - [Combobox with integrated filter](https://ariakit.org/examples/combobox-filtering-integrated) - [Submenu with Combobox](https://ariakit.org/examples/menu-nested-combobox) - [Combobox with tabs](https://ariakit.org/examples/combobox-tabs) - [Command Menu](https://ariakit.org/examples/dialog-combobox-command-menu)


Boolean | undefined = true

If set to `true`, pressing the enter key while this element is focused will trigger a click on the element, regardless of whether it's a native button or not. If this prop is set to `false`, pressing enter will not initiate a click.


Boolean | undefined = true

If set to `true`, pressing and releasing the space key while this element is focused will trigger a click on the element, regardless of whether it's a native button or not. If this prop is set to `false`, space will not initiate a click.


Boolean | undefined = false

Determines if the element is disabled. This sets the `aria-disabled` attribute accordingly, enabling support for all elements, including those that don't support the native `disabled` attribute. This feature can be combined with the [`accessibleWhenDisabled`](https://ariakit.org/reference/focusable#accessiblewhendisabled) prop to make disabled elements still accessible via keyboard. **Note**: For this prop to work, the [`focusable`](https://ariakit.org/reference/command#focusable) prop must be set to `true`, if it's not set by default. Live examples: - [Submenu](https://ariakit.org/examples/menu-nested) - [Combobox with tabs](https://ariakit.org/examples/combobox-tabs) - [Context Menu](https://ariakit.org/examples/menu-context-menu)


false | true | (arg: MouseEvent<HTMLElement, MouseEvent>) => boolean | undefined = true

Determines if the composite item should be _focused_ when hovered over. Note that the actual DOM focus will stay on the composite element. This item will get the [`data-active-item`](https://ariakit.org/guide/styling#data-active-item) attribute so it can be styled as if it's focused. Live examples: - [Multi-selectable Combobox](https://ariakit.org/examples/combobox-multiple) - [Combobox with integrated filter](https://ariakit.org/examples/combobox-filtering-integrated) - [Textarea with inline Combobox](https://ariakit.org/examples/combobox-textarea) - [Navigation Menubar](https://ariakit.org/examples/menubar-navigation) - [Submenu with Combobox](https://ariakit.org/examples/menu-nested-combobox) - [Combobox with tabs](https://ariakit.org/examples/combobox-tabs)


Boolean | undefined = true

Determines if [Focusable](https://ariakit.org/components/focusable) features should be active on non-native focusable elements. **Note**: This prop only turns off the additional features provided by the [`Focusable`](https://ariakit.org/reference/focusable) component. Non-native focusable elements will lose their focusability entirely. However, native focusable elements will retain their inherent focusability, but without added features such as improved [`autoFocus`](https://ariakit.org/reference/focusable#autofocus), [`accessibleWhenDisabled`](https://ariakit.org/reference/focusable#accessiblewhendisabled), [`onFocusVisible`](https://ariakit.org/reference/focusable#onfocusvisible), etc.


(props: CollectionStoreItem) => CollectionStoreItem

A memoized function that returns props to be passed with the item during its registration in the store. @example ```jsx const getItem = useCallback((data) => ({ ...data, custom: true }), []); <CollectionItem getItem={getItem} /> ```


false | true | (arg: MouseEvent<HTMLElement, MouseEvent>) => boolean | undefined = true

Determines if the menu should hide when this item is clicked. **Note**: This behavior isn't triggered if this menu item is rendered as a link and modifier keys are used to either open the link in a new tab or download it. Live examples: - [Sliding Menu](https://ariakit.org/examples/menu-slide)



The unique ID of the item. This will be used to register the item in the store and for the element's `id` attribute. If not provided, a unique ID will be automatically generated. Live examples: - [Combobox with tabs](https://ariakit.org/examples/combobox-tabs) - [Tab with React Router](https://ariakit.org/examples/tab-react-router) - [Animated TabPanel](https://ariakit.org/examples/tab-panel-animated)


false | true | (arg: KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => boolean | undefined = true

Determines if pressing arrow keys while this item is in focus should move focus to a different item. **Note**: To entirely disable focus moving within a composite widget, you can use the [`focusOnMove`](https://ariakit.org/reference/composite#focusonmove) prop on the composite component instead. If you want to control the behavior _only when arrow keys are pressed_, where [`focusOnMove`](https://ariakit.org/reference/composite#focusonmove) may not be applicable, this prop must be set on all composite items because they each manage their own key presses, as well as on the composite component itself. @example ```jsx <Composite moveOnKeyPress={false}> <CompositeItem moveOnKeyPress={false} /> <CompositeItem moveOnKeyPress={false} /> </Composite> ```


BivariantCallback<(event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement, Event>) => void>

Custom event handler invoked when the element gains focus through keyboard interaction or a key press occurs while the element is in focus. This is the programmatic equivalent of the [`data-focus-visible`](https://ariakit.org/guide/styling#data-focus-visible) attribute. **Note**: For this prop to work, the [`focusable`](https://ariakit.org/reference/command#focusable) prop must be set to `true`, if it's not set by default. Live examples: - [Navigation Menubar](https://ariakit.org/examples/menubar-navigation) - [Custom Checkbox](https://ariakit.org/examples/checkbox-custom)


false | true | (arg: KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => boolean | undefined = false

Whether the scroll behavior should be prevented when pressing arrow keys on the first or the last items. @deprecated Use CSS [`scroll-margin`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/scroll-margin) instead.


ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> | RenderProp<HTMLAttributes<any> & { ref?: Ref<any>; }>

Allows the component to be rendered as a different HTML element or React component. The value can be a React element or a function that takes in the original component props and gives back a React element with the props merged. Check out the [Composition](https://ariakit.org/guide/composition) guide for more details.



The id that will be used to group items in the same row. This is usually retrieved by the [`CompositeRow`](https://ariakit.org/reference/composite-row) component through context so in most cases you don't need to set it manually.



Determines if the item should be registered as part of the collection. If this is set to `false`, the item won't be accessible via arrow keys.


MenubarStore | MenuStore<MenuStoreValues>

Object returned by the [`useMenuStore`](https://ariakit.org/reference/use-menu-store) or [`useMenubarStore`](https://ariakit.org/reference/use-menubar-store) hooks. If not provided, the closest [`Menu`](https://ariakit.org/reference/menu), [`MenuProvider`](https://ariakit.org/reference/menu-provider), [`Menubar`](https://ariakit.org/reference/menubar), or [`MenubarProvider`](https://ariakit.org/reference/menubar-provider) components' context will be used.



When the `tabbable` prop is set to `true`, the [roving tabindex](https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/practices/keyboard-interface/#kbd_roving_tabindex) method is partially disabled for this element. This means that the `tabIndex` prop won't be assigned `-1` when the item is inactive. In addition to using arrow keys, users will be able to tab to this element, leading to the composite widget no longer existing as a single tab stop. As per the [ARIA spec](https://w3c.github.io/aria/#composite): > Authors **SHOULD** ensure that a composite widget exists as a single > navigation stop within the larger navigation system of the web page. Additionally, as stated in [RFC-2119](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt): > **SHOULD** This word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that there may > exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular > item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed > before choosing a different course. Therefore, while this may be allowed, you should think carefully about the implications of using this prop. **Note**: This prop has no effect when the [`virtualFocus`](https://ariakit.org/reference/composite-provider#virtualfocus) option is enabled. Live examples: - [Navigation Menubar](https://ariakit.org/examples/menubar-navigation)





"horizontal" | "vertical"

The orientation of the separator. By default, this is the opposite of the [`orientation`](https://ariakit.org/reference/composite-provider#orientation) state of the composite widget. Which means it doesn't need to be explicitly set in most cases.


ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> | RenderProp<HTMLAttributes<any> & { ref?: Ref<any>; }>

Allows the component to be rendered as a different HTML element or React component. The value can be a React element or a function that takes in the original component props and gives back a React element with the props merged. Check out the [Composition](https://ariakit.org/guide/composition) guide for more details.



Object returned by the [`useMenuStore`](https://ariakit.org/reference/use-menu-store) hook. If not provided, the closest [`Menu`](https://ariakit.org/reference/menu) or [`MenuProvider`](https://ariakit.org/reference/menu-provider) components' context will be used.






number | false | true

Determines whether the content should animate when it is shown or hidden. - If `true`, the `animating` state will be `true` when the content is shown or hidden and it will wait for a CSS animation/transition to end before becoming `false`. - If it's set to a number, the `animating` state will be `true` when the content is shown or hidden and it will wait for the number of milliseconds to pass before becoming `false`. @deprecated Manually setting the `animated` prop is no longer necessary. This will be removed in a future release.



A reference to a [combobox store](https://ariakit.org/reference/use-combobox-store). It's automatically set when composing [Menu with Combobox](https://ariakit.org/examples/menu-combobox).



The composite item id that should be active by default when the composite widget is rendered. If `null`, the composite element itself will have focus and users will be able to navigate to it using arrow keys. If `undefined`, the first enabled item will be focused.


CompositeStoreItem[] | undefined = []

The defaut value for the [`items`](https://ariakit.org/reference/collection-provider#items) state.


Boolean | undefined = false

Whether the content should be visible by default.


MenuStoreValues | undefined = {}

The default values for the [`values`](https://ariakit.org/reference/menu-provider#values) state. Live examples: - [MenuItemCheckbox](https://ariakit.org/examples/menu-item-checkbox) - [MenuItemRadio](https://ariakit.org/examples/menu-item-radio)



A reference to another disclosure store that controls another disclosure component to keep them in sync. Element states like `contentElement` and `disclosureElement` won't be synced. For that, use the [`store`](https://ariakit.org/reference/disclosure-provider#store) prop instead. Live examples: - [Command Menu](https://ariakit.org/examples/dialog-combobox-command-menu)



A reference to a [menubar store](https://ariakit.org/reference/use-menubar-store). It's automatically set when rendering menus inside a [`Menubar`](https://ariakit.org/reference/menubar) in the React tree. Live examples: - [Navigation Menubar](https://ariakit.org/examples/menubar-navigation)



A reference to a parent menu store. It's automatically set when nesting menus in the React tree. You should manually set this if menus aren't nested in the React tree. Live examples: - [Menubar](https://ariakit.org/components/menubar) - [Submenu](https://ariakit.org/examples/menu-nested) - [Navigation Menubar](https://ariakit.org/examples/menubar-navigation)



A reference to another popover store that's controlling another popover to keep them in sync.


(activeId: string) => void

A callback that gets called when the [`activeId`](https://ariakit.org/reference/composite-provider#activeid) state changes.


BivariantCallback<(items: CompositeStoreItem[]) => void>

A callback that gets called when the [`items`](https://ariakit.org/reference/collection-provider#items) state changes. @example const [items, setItems] = useState([]); const collection = useCollectionStore({ items, setItems });


(mounted: boolean) => void

A callback that gets called when the `mounted` state changes. @example const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false); const disclosure = useDisclosureStore({ setMounted });


(open: boolean) => void

A callback that gets called when the [`open`](https://ariakit.org/reference/disclosure-provider#open) state changes. @example const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); const disclosure = useDisclosureStore({ open, setOpen });


BivariantCallback<(values: MenuStoreValues) => void>

A callback that gets called when the [`values`](https://ariakit.org/reference/menu-provider#values) state changes. Live examples: - [MenuItemCheckbox](https://ariakit.org/examples/menu-item-checkbox) - [Submenu with Combobox](https://ariakit.org/examples/menu-nested-combobox)